
Centrándose en la investigación, desarrollo, producción y venta de alambres y cables.

Wind Turbine Cable

Wind power cables, also known as wind power cables, not only to meet the performance of ordinary cables, but also has a soft and frequent torsion (adapted to the wind generator's automatic yaw to the wind), super vertical tensile (adapted to the wind generator's vertical suspension laying), acid and alkali salt spray corrosion resistance that is, seawater corrosion resistance (adapted to the offshore wind generator when the electricity is connected) of the basic characteristics of the wind power cables, due to the wind power resource rich in the northern part of our country, the wind power Generators installed in the north of China more, the northern region of the colder climate, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, so the wind power wind power cables also need to have a high degree of cold resistance.


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  • Wind energy cable bending radius: not less than 6 times the outer diameter of the cable

  • Maximum working temperature of the conductor of wind energy cable: 90℃.

  • Rated voltage of wind energy cable U0/U respectively: 450/750V, 0.6/1kV, 1.8/3kV

  • Maximum twisting angle of wind energy cable: 180°/m


1. Conductor: soft copper conductive core;

2. Insulation: ethylene propylene insulation

3. Sheath: Neoprene/thermoplastic/polyurethane/chloral sulphate polyethylene.

Cable de turbina eólica
Muestra detallada del cable de media tensión
Vista compuesta de cables de media tensión
Equipos y tecnología de producción avanzados, estricto sistema de control de calidad, alta eficiencia de producción, excelente rendimiento del producto, protección ambiental ecológica.
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Cobre electrolítico de alta pureza
Selección de cobre electrolítico 1# con un contenido de cobre superior al 99,95%
Buenas propiedades de aislamiento eléctrico, pueden prevenir eficazmente fugas de corriente.
Cinta de acero/alambre de acero blindado
Resistente a una amplia gama de tensiones externas y erosión.
Escudo de cobre
Buenas propiedades de conductividad y blindaje.
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¿Por qué elegirnos para alambres y cables?

NO.1, Jiangnan Cable cuenta con tecnología y equipos de producción avanzados. Desde la fabricación de conductores hasta el procesamiento del aislamiento, blindaje y revestimiento, cada paso es preciso y estricto para garantizar la alta calidad de los cables de media tensión.

NO.2, el control de calidad es extremadamente estricto. La empresa ha establecido un perfecto sistema de inspección de calidad, desde la selección de las materias primas hasta la salida de los productos terminados de fábrica, comprobando en todos los niveles. Cada cable de media tensión debe pasar por una serie de pruebas estrictas para garantizar que los productos cumplan o incluso superen los estándares nacionales.

NO.3, Jiangnan Cable ha invertido mucho en investigación y desarrollo. De acuerdo con la demanda del mercado y los requisitos especiales de los clientes, podemos desarrollar cables de media tensión con diferentes características, como mejor resistencia ambiental y mejor capacidad de carga de corriente. Además, la rica línea de productos puede satisfacer las diferentes necesidades de diversos proyectos complejos y brindar a los clientes soluciones de cable integrales.

Nuestros casos

Lo que terminamos

Tenemos un alto grado de profundidad de fabricación, tiempo de entrega corto y flexibilidad en todos los sentidos. Cualquiera que sea su necesidad, estamos felices de ayudar. Si tiene una nueva idea que desea hacer realidad o un diseño existente que necesita mejorar, esperamos tener la oportunidad de discutirla con usted.
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                                    Servicio personalizado de Jiangnan Cable
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Sección transversal del conductor Número de núcleos tipo de material  Espesor del aislamiento  Tipo de blindaje Número de capas de blindaje Selección de material Identificación de colores  Tipo de armadura Capas de armadura Resistencia al fuego Rendimiento impermeable  Rendimiento retardante de llama  Resistencia al frío  Medidores de solicitud de personalización de muestra

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                                    Servicio personalizado de Jiangnan Cable
Personalizado  Especificaciones de cables Material aislante Construcción de escudo  Material de la funda Estructura de armadura Actuación especial Longitud 
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High mechanical strength, resistance to twisting (soft), vibration and oil resistance requirements. In addition, cables used in cold areas must be resistant to low temperatures (-40℃, -55℃). 

Applicable Range

Rated voltage 1.8/3kV and wind power generation with twist-resistant flexible cable is suitable for grid-connected wind turbine power transmission and electrical control, especially suitable for installation across the nacelle and tower between the need to withstand frequent twisting requirements of the special parts, mainly used for generator stater winding, rotor winding to the ground between the step-up transformer power transmission.

Characteristics of Wind Turbine Cable

Aluminum alloy conductor XLPE insulated power cable

1. good low temperature and abrasion resistance, as well as fatigue resistance, weather aging resistance, microbial resistance, good corrosion resistance to oil, chemicals. Ordinary cables do not have abrasion resistance and corrosion resistance.


2. Excellent torsion resistance and bending performance: the finished cable in -25 ℃, -40 ℃ or -55 ℃ in the low temperature environment, can withstand positive and negative each four turns for a time, the torsion angle of 1080 °, the number of times not less than 10,000 times of torsion performance test, the cable test is required to the end of the conductor does not occur after the fracture, the sheath surface does not produce cracks. Ordinary cables are not suitable for twisting at low temperatures. 3.


3. The applicable ambient temperature is -45℃+110℃, and the operating temperature is -55℃+110℃.


4. The laying temperature of the cable is not lower than -30℃.


5. cable bending radius: fixed installation is not less than 4 times the outer diameter of the cable, mobile installation is not less than 5 times the outer diameter of the cable. The bending radius of ordinary cable is 20 times of the outer diameter of the cable.

Introduction to Aluminium Core Cables_Disadvantages & Performance

Disadvantages                                         Performance

1. Less conductive than copper wire

Aluminium-core wires are less conductive than copper wires, resulting in the need to use thicker aluminium-core wires when building circuits in order to achieve the same transmission effect as copper wires. This, in turn, will lead to an increase in the size of the wire, the installation is more difficult, the installation cost will also increase.


2. Susceptible to external damage

Aluminium core wire flexibility is relatively poor, easy because of the role of external forces caused by deformation, damage to the wire, affecting its normal conductive effect. In outdoor use need to pay extra attention, because the aluminium core wire is hard, easy to break.


3. Easy to age

Compared with copper wire, aluminium core wire aging faster, so after a long time of use, aluminium core wire may become very fragile, very easy to break. When the aluminium core wire is aging, it needs to be replaced in time, otherwise there may be a short circuit, fire and other risks.

1. Electrical conductivity

In order to reduce the energy loss and voltage drop in the cable conductor, the conductor of the power cable is generally made of copper and aluminium with high conductivity. Under the premise of the same cross-sectional area of the conductor, the conductivity of copper-core power cables is higher than that of aluminium-core power cables.


2. Processing performance

Copper ductility is good, strong mechanical properties, so in the mono filament compression, even if the degree of deformation is very large, copper core power cable conductor will not break. However, the mechanical properties of aluminium is poor. When the conductor is stranded, if the compression coefficient is high, the conductor will appear burrs, broken wire, or even broken wire.


3. Economic performance

In the case of the same current-carrying capacity, the cross-sectional area of aluminium-core cables is about 1.5 times that of copper-core cables, and the corresponding cost of line protection and civil engineering costs will also increase. Therefore, as a permanent power distribution, taking into account the operational safety aspects, in the case of capital conditions allow, the more recommended use of copper-core power cables.

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Somos una empresa nacional clave de alta y nueva tecnología especializada en la producción, venta e investigación de alambres y cables.
Persona de contacto: Wilco Zhong
Número de contacto: 86-13372003527
Correo electrónico: wilco@jncable.com.cn
Whatsapp: 86-13372003527
Persona de contacto : Kelly Lu
Número de contacto: 86-17368475715
Correo electrónico: kelly@jncable.com.cn
Whatsapp: 86-17368475715
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